Warning: mysqli_connect(): (HY000/1045): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) in /home/crossroadelf/digitalelfglobal.com/dbconnection.php on line 2 Careers | Digital Elf
We are looking for a Digital Marketing Consultant/Contractor to join our team immediately. The candidate should have prior genuine hands on work experience in the area of Digital Marketing at least for a period of 1 to 2 years.
Key responsibilities include:
Proven experience in SEO (Search engine optimization).
Hands on experience in implementing SMM (Social media marketing including Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter platforms) strategy.
PPC (Pay per click) including Google AdWords and Microsoft Bing Ads & Social Media campaigns (Such as Facebook Ads and LinkedIn Ads).
Proven capabilities in the area of Online brand building & Reputation management.
The candidate should be self-driven and have the capability to take ownership of Digital marketing activities and deliver the solutions as per the organization’s expectations.
Should be a good team player and possess sound oral and written communication skills.
Strong adherence to ethical standards and Integrity based value system.
Kindly send across the profiles to info@digitalelfglobal.com
Job Type : Full-time.
Location : Bangalore.
Interview process:
Telephonic round/Skype round interview.
Face to face interview at our office in HSR layout.
Web Developer
Job Description
We are looking for a Laravel, PHP & CMS developer with sound knowledge in Laravel, PHP, MySQL, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Ajax, jQuery and CMS frameworks such as WordPress and Drupal.
Key responsibilities include:
Develop CMS and PHP based web and e-commerce applications.
Participate in Design and Development of new websites and web applications.
Work on web application enhancement projects.
Create and manage database tables.
Should be able to work on themes, plugins and templates.
Should be able to Develop themes in WordPress or Drupal.
Experience with building custom templates and modules.
Participate in Design and Development of new features in Website.
Good knowledge of Mysql.
Effectively communicate status, metrics and issues on a regular basis.
Should be able to execute assigned tasks in a timely & efficient manner.
Assist other team members & colleagues to solve technical issues.
Kindly send across the profiles to info@digitalelfglobal.com
Job Type : Full-time.
Location : Bangalore.
Interview process:
Telephonic round/Skype round interview.
Face to face interview at our office in HSR layout.
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Project Management Intern
Job Description
We are looking for a Project management intern to join our team immediatel.
Key responsibilities include:
6 Months to 1 years of experience will be preferred.
Good Communication.
Leadership Skills.
Team Management.
Personal Organization.
Negotiation Skills.
Risk Management.
Kindly send across the profiles to info@digitalelfglobal.com
Job Type : Full-time.
Location : Bangalore.
Interview process:
Telephonic round/Skype round interview.
Face to face interview at our office in HSR layout.